The 1st Maconian - Venatia War

The 1st Maconian - Venatia War (1820-1823)

Troop Comparision

Troops and Weapons Maconian Kingdom Veantia Republic
Fielded Men 136,400 people (30% trained or 40920 men) (453 battlions at 300 men per battlion) 67,000 people (95% trained or 63650 men) (111 battlions at 600 men per battlion)
Weapons Stockpile in % of guns needed 110% 200%
Artillary (field guns) 7,300 6,200
Cavalry Battlions 63 (18,900 men) 61 (36,600 men)

The war was started due to Veantian expansion, taking the region of Spentezi from Dantinva in the north and the region of Mavin from Vrenchia in the. Maconia felt threatened by these gains and started preparing for an attack on the Veantian Republic. Fortunately for the Venatians, they had prior warning of this by a high-up spy in the Maconian King's advisors. This gave them plenty of time to prepare.

On the 3rd of March 1820, war was declared by the Maconians. Due to the time that Veantia had to prepare they were the ones who first reponded, pushing south to try and get a breakthrough to capture Triveshi. They were held back at the battle of Shemexio (3,000 Veantian casualties, 1,300 Maconian casualties). After 1 Month the area captured looked like this