Socialist State of Rahnath (Ran-ei-th); 

Basic Facts: 

Population: 32.45 million 

GDP: $782.35 billion 

Government Spending: $245.5 billion (31.38% of GDP) 

Ideology: Democratic Socialist State; 

Elections: Every 4 Years 

Land Area: 284,324 km2 

Capital City: Ptou-tsou (F-o – st-o): Population: 2.5 million (7.7% of total population) 

Largest City: Ptou-tsou 

Language: Wilsaburian (Will-sa-ber-ian) 

Demonym: Rahnatheek  

Government Spending: 

Law and Order: 30% - $73.65 billion 

Military: 20% - $49.1 billion 

Education: 16% - $39.28 billion 

Industry: 10% - $24.55 billion 

Healthcare: 10% - $24.55 billion 

Debt Repayments: 6% - $14.73 billion 

Cyber Security: 4% - $9.82 billion 

Public Transport: 4% - $9.82 billion 


93% - Rahnatheek 

4% - Scanian 

3% Other 


716 AD – 1030AD 

Rahnath was founded in 716 AD after the 1st Spentonian-Vaspoan war and the treaty of Spleast as a monarchy ruled by King Andric Wojownik (Vo-jo-nik)  . Its land stretched from the Avae River to the Ansphonian Mountains (~320,139 km2) and it had a population of 16.24 million which was one of the largest populations at that time. In 762 AD, King Wojownik died and was replaced by his son, King Spcesi the 1st (Se-k-is). He was a brutal and controlling leader. Some of his most infamous acts include the Rpuata (Re-put-a) Genocide that killed 2.16 million, and the Rahnath – Exantan War, which lasted for 21 years, and ended with a combined total of 1.2 million deaths. It ended in a stalemate. He was assassinated in 811 AD. None of the 3 leaders after were important or notable but in 1022, Prince Sxivt (Six-ict) Axinoc (Axe-e-no-a) became King. He reformed laws and punishments for those laws such as the punishment for stealing. Before he was in charge, the punishment for stealing was death. However, he changed it to 3 fingers on one hand cut off (Compared to other leaders, this was lenient). He also introduced the Serf Act (1023 AD) which allowed any serf to become a landowner if they had enough money and reformed the education system to allow any males to go to school for free (1028 AD). This was the start of the Rahnath Golden Era. 


1030 AD – 1132 AD (The Rahnath Golden Era) 

Throughout King Axinoc’s rule, Rahnath flourished. Science and culture were developing at a rate never seen before. Wars were few and far between. Axinoc died in 1103 from natural causes and the next leader, (his son) King Colixa I carried on these reforms, continuing with the 1st Consitiution of the Rahnath Kingdom. However, in 1132, the Scanian Empire invaded Rahnath.